Projects Page


Lasertag PCB

I designed, built and coded a lasertag board.

Automated Planter

Some friends and I built an automated planter. I wrote the environment control firmware and researched circuits for pump and valve control.

Web-controlled RC Car

I made a web-controlled RC car. I soldered a microcontroller to the car's remote to control steering and throttle in software. Then, I connected the microcontroller via USB serial and websockets to an azure backend, allowing the car to be controlled from anywhere. Demo video here.

Wireless Retro Apple Mouse

I retrofitted an old retro apple mouse with the electronics of a modern wireless mouse. This involved 3D-printing a custom housing for the electronics. Demo here.

Digital Nishika Remake

The Nishika is an old film camera from the 80's. The camera was unique in its ability to capture the same image simultaneously from several different lenses. This allowed the film, when developed, to give you a "3D" perspective effect by quickly cycling left and right between the images from the lenses. Me and a friend got together to build a digital equivalent. We connected two cameras to a raspberry pi and fixed them to a rigid acrylic harness. We wrote a simple python script to combine images from the two cameras into a gif which cycles back and forth rapidly, giving the same digital effect.